Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bluebird of Happiness

And when he sings to you,
 Though you're deep in blue,
You will see a ray of light creep through,

And so remember this, life is no abyss,
 Somewhere there's a bluebird of happiness.
 Life is sweet, tender and complete,
when you find the bluebird of happiness.

- Bluebird of Happiness,
lyrics by Edward Heyman & Harry Parr Davies, 1934

Last week I was blessed with a new feathered friend.  A wonderful reminder of the coming of spring only 8 weeks away.  Read more about my adventure at My New Houseguest


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It looks so cute with its little bandage! Best wishes, bluebird!

A Miraculous Meliss said...

Aw how cute! Are these Bluebirds? We had a pack of ten eating from a tree with berries on it the end of the summer through the fall. It's the first year they've been here. I hope they come back.

We recently developed a hawk problem. A young hawk moved in and has been eating the birds from the birdfeeder area. I have no idea what to do about it. Probably nothing I can do. Hawk has to eat just seems so unfair though cause the poor things are eating. The other hawks circle high up in the air. This one sits around and gets the easy pickens. It's worse than the neighborhood cats.

Oh well...such is life.

Enjoy your bird adventure.


Cherry Chick said...

Hi Wendy...thanks so much for stopping by during One World One Heart. I'll be happy to include your name in the pot for my Very Cherry earrings. I love how you described yourself in your profile. Extremely creative. I hope to see you again.

julie said...

Hi Wendy...Thank you for coming by my blog and signing up to follow...I think we may of some things in common...I'll be coming back.
many blessings...julie


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